Tue 21 Jan
OVER 40? ANNIE of ATL--LAST Day;3HIGHLY Reviewed
(Columbia, Greystone Blvd Area-LAST DAY TODAY-18th)
OUTCALL spls🔝TOP of the line Exotic🌴Monroee 🗼redbone Goddess⚠CAUTION⚠very naughty😻💦👅👌 - 19
(Columbia, Greystone(OUTCALL ONLY))
( NEW ) ( * ) bUsTY Exotic bUnnY ( * ) ( * ) hOtt SpeCIaLs!!!!. READY TO PLEASE*** (NEW) - 22
(Columbia (incalls))
No Surprises! Real Photos📷Pretty Face 💋Available 24/7 - 26
(Columbia, Greystone, Bush River, Downtown)
Orangeburg 😍1 NiGhT 👉40qv 75hh👈💦 LiKe WhAt U sEe👀 YeS iTs Me 👍🏻 LiMiTeD tImE - 27
(Columbia, Orangeburg i26 exit 145A)
NiNa♥ Your "Wake-Up" Call (803)221-0431 ~ Upscale Companion for Upscale Gentlemen™ - 24
(Columbia, Conveniently Loc. Near 1-26 & Greystone)
*** NEW CHELSEA ready to make ur fantasy come tru tonight call now!!!! - 20
(Columbia, 2notch/incalls only)
★. OMG !!Sexy, HOt Milf ◆◆ ☆Waiting for you to Come.♣♣◇◇ call Jesse (803) 398- 1230 ♥♥ - 37
(Columbia, sneak away with me in the Met)
New girl PARIS In town ready to wine and dine you 🍷🌹😘 100 ROSES OUTCALL ! ! - 22
(Columbia, Greystone)
Misbehave With Class ***** Missy ***** M0rning Special ... "BONITA CHICA" - 21
☆New☆ ((({{CLICK}})))) ☆☆ HERE!! for the'BEST' !!!! ☆☆ !!LIVE!! "UnCut" SeXy 40 Spc! - 20
(Columbia, Two notch rd)
New Mouh of the SSouh Sweet GoDDESS SuPER NaSTY!!PRettY GiRL,SLiPPERY, NO RuSH♡♤-22 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia SC)
🚹naomi 8035297058 40spl allday all night*sumter*come get this 💦💦🍒🍌 - 21
(Columbia, sumter broad st *Sumter! sumter!)
LoOKiNG 4 A BeAUTiFUL, SeXy HoT Young Lady👸😗? 💎Come and experience the ultimate💎 companionship - 23
(Columbia, Greystone)
(Ms. Heaven) *** Come Play A Couple Holes *** (Ms. Heaven) Back In Town!!:) - 21
(mb,nmb,conway incalls/outcalls)
Mi$$y!! the" BONITA CHICA" S0m3thing U Can't Miss...SPECIALS ALL NIGHT 3girl special - 21
In Town Tuesday or Wednesday for 1/2 Nights Hot Sexy Blonde MILF Featured on Playboy TV Sexcetera - 47
(Upscale Suite Location Greystone)
LeAvInG@11⏳40qv 70hh #1️⃣SnOwBuNnY 👯 NaTuRaL ReDhEaD📷 ReAl PiX 💦JuIcY🙀 BiG bOoTy🍑 CoMpLeTe KnOcK OuT👊🏻 - 30
(Columbia, greystone, broad river Read ad)
MiZZ. PAIN Is Here With A Great Special..70 IN CALLS... 404 423 3080 - 18
Missy UR" BONITA CHICA".. UR Er0Tic Exotic PLAYMATE.. m0RniNg specialS - 21
Mixed Playmate Ready To Enjoy The Company Of Mature Gentalmen Available For Out Calls Now - 22
(Columbia, Harbison/ Piney Grove/ Greystone)
MILK MARIE💦😻🎲 (803) 713 4711 available now💋 W💦E💦T💦T💦E💦R is better 😋😻🌊 50 spcls. - 20
(Columbia, Greystone 😻InCalls Only😻)
😍Irresistible 💦Chocolate🍫Hottie🔥 Craving Attention 😘 📞📲 FeTIsh Friendly - 22
(Columbia, Columbia OutCalls ONLy AvailaBle NoW)
Local Playmate for *ALL* Your Erotic Desires - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, In town)
*LEAVING SOON* .☆° FREAKY * SEXY * P l @ y M @ t E ☆ *5O SPECIAL* - 22
(Columbia, Broad River & I-20)
Last Chance To See Me, 80 Incall Special... 347 634 0563 - 22
It's Blaze Birthday....Come see the best in town😍😜😙 - 25
(Bush river/Greystone/St Andrews, Columbia)
Kelli here, Up all night, waiting for Mr right. If this is you then give me a call now i'm waiting - 20
╚▶(( i HaVe iT a.L.L.*! )) ☑ PReTTY FaCe ) ☑ NiCe SoFT BoDy ) ☑ XceLLenT SeRViCe ) ☑ SPeCiaLs ) - 28
%%^^ I'm B@CK -- A_T-L-A-N-T-A''S FINEST CuBAN mIX ^^ %% The REAL ERICA REED - 20
☆I'm Th@T P€rf€ct R€m€d¥ { 15 4 4o} To R€l¡€v€ Th@T Inn€r Pr€ssur€*** [60 30mins] Incall Onl¥*** - 23
(Columbia, North Main St)
Irish Eyes Companions: Experience the best! (caring, professional and most of all discrete!) - 35
Jasmine 4 ❀ Ultimate Relaxing Company ~ & ~ Fun Playmate ❀ ~~~ 10AM ~~~ * ~~~ 8PM ~~~ - 27